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Important: Resolution of Recent Technical Issue

We sincerely apologise for the recent technical issue earlier today involving one of our third-party service providers, which temporarily prevented our users from logging into the accounts and accessing our website. After a thorough investigation, we are pleased to inform you that all websites and portals have been successfully restored.

We want to reassure you that throughout this period, all trading accounts and the MT4/5 Platform remained fully operational. We apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused and appreciate your understanding and patience.

Thank you for your continued trust in RADEX MARKETS.

Should you have any questions or require assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our customer support team.

July 19, 2024

Rollover of futures contracts from July to September

Please note that the contracts, VIX-F, USOIL-F, CHINA50, UKOIL-F, and USDOLLAR will roll over on the following dates. 

Please note that the specific trading hours above may be subject to adjustment by liquidity providers without prior notice.


Please note:

1.  If the price of the new contract is higher than the price of the old contract, the long position will be charged a re-balancing fee, and the short position will receive a re-balancing fee.

2. If the price of the new contract is lower than the price of the old contract, the long position will receive a re-balancing fee, and the short position will be charged a re-balancing fee.

3. In the meantime, since the Futures Contracts need to be adjusted, we will suspend internal transfers for all accounts under the same owner half an hour before and after the opening of the market on the Expiration Day.


Please carefully consider the risks that your account may encounter, and make sure there are sufficient funds in your trading account to prevent margin close-outs due to insufficient margin. If you do not want your positions to be rolled-over, please close your positions before the rollover.

July 15, 2024


Hi there!

Please note that on the upcoming holidays in July 2024, trading hours for the following products will be affected.

Please note: Due to liquidity constraints, trading hours may be subject to further change. All times displayed are in Platform Time (GMT+3).

June 28, 2024

Trading and Pricing Maintenance Announcement

To provide a reliable and great trading experience for our users, maintenance is regularly performed on our platforms. You will find the scheduled maintenance hours below, allowing you to plan your trading activities accordingly.

You will find the scheduled maintenance hours below, allowing you to plan your trading activities accordingly.

During these short maintenance periods, you may be unable to access the accounts or place trades.

Should you have any questions or require assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our customer support team.

June 21, 2024

Platform Maintenance Announcement

To provide a reliable and ensure great trading experience for our users, maintenance is regularly performed on our platforms. You will find the scheduled maintenance hours below, allowing you to plan your trading activities accordingly.

During these short maintenance periods, you may be unable to access the accounts or place trades.      

Should you have any questions or require assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our customer support team.

June 21, 2024


Mendoza, Argentina - RADEX MARKETS, el bróker de Forex y CFD regulado internacionalmente, hizo historia al organizar su primera competencia demo de la Trading Cup el 30 de mayo de 2024. El evento, celebrado en el Hotel Arena Maipu, contó con la participación de más de 65 traders y más de 100 espectadores, quienes se reunieron para celebrar y promover el arte del trading.

La competencia comenzó 24 horas antes del evento, y en la inauguración del evento se anunciaron los 20 principales traders que mostraron el crecimiento más prometedor en sus cuentas. A esto siguió una presentación del Gerente Regional de RADEX MARKETS, Juan Esteban Páez, y del Jefe de Ventas, Nicolás Santamaría, quienes destacaron las fortalezas y ventajas del broker.

El evento sirvió como una plataforma interesante para que los traders se conectaran y compartieran sus ideas sobre el comercio de divisas, mientras disfrutaban del cocktail ofrecido. La culminación del evento fue el anuncio de los ganadores: el Sr. Emanuel Ormo, que vio un impresionante crecimiento de más del 50% en su cuenta comercial, se llevó a casa el título de campeón. Le siguió de cerca el Sr. Lucas Canales, quien logró un notable crecimiento del 40% en el beneficio de su cuenta.

La edición inaugural de la Trading Cup en Mendoza fue un éxito rotundo, sentando un precedente positivo para eventos futuros. RADEX MARKETS se complace en continuar con esta nueva serie de eventos a escala global. Para obtener más información sobre RADEX MARKETS y los próximos eventos, visite https://www.radexmarkets.comAcerca de los mercados RADEX:

RADEX MARKETS, un corredor financiero con sede en Seychelles, es un nombre comercial de GO Markets International Ltd Co (n.º 8425985-1, licencia de distribuidor de valores n.º SD043). Proporciona una plataforma para negociar productos financieros, como Forex, metales, CFD/índices y CFD de acciones.

Para solicitudes de relaciones públicas, comuníquese con

Henry Huang

[email protected]

+44 20 8610 1608

Descargo de responsabilidad: este comunicado de prensa tiene fines informativos únicamente. La información proporcionada no constituye asesoramiento de inversión ni respaldo de ningún producto o servicio.

June 11, 2024
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Inicia sesión ABRIR CUENTA

Advertencia de riesgos : Productos derivados del trading y productos potenciados poseen un nivel más alto de riesgo.

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